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  • Writer's picturetaradetiveaux

We are Hope FULL in 2021

Wow we made it into 2021...and we are Hope Full!!

Yes, you read that word right, Hopeful and full of Hope. Can we tell you of some good things that we are looking forward to in this new year....

-Having our Hope Shower and Kitchen Available for the homeless and under-resourced by the end of February of this year.

-Purchasing at least some part of the property surrounding us to move forward with Hope Gardens and

Park for the community of east Houma. The park will contain a health and fitness outdoor gym, basketball courts, soccer field, playground, and fresh local gardens to service the community.

-Continuing with our food pantry and handing out at least 25 baskets of food to the homeless and under-resourced per month. Also continuing our commitment to provide clothes and uniforms for free at Hope Treasures thrift store for anyone who has need.

-Continuing with our After School and Summer Education program here at Hope Extreme and gettin

g back to pre-Covid numbers by this fall. Also, that students would increase in overall ability and education through the individualized help of personal tutors and volunteers.

-Taking our teens and pre-teens to camp during the summer months to encourage their growth both physically and spiritually.

-Continuing to pour into our young adults that have been raised up through Hope Extreme to be the next leaders and place them into positions of influence within our programs during this year.

And that is just a little bit of what we see happening here in our 2021. Would you consider becoming a mon

thly donor? It's simple and honestly, it's through donors like you that we do what do day in and day out here at Hope Extreme. Simply click the donate now button which will lead you to our website to give monthly.

Thank you for giving to help us provide holistic, revitalizing, and life-changing programs that empower the marginalized and under-resourced with Hope.

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